Vampira and tor johnson wax figure
Vampira and tor johnson wax figure

This film tends to be underappreciated, perhaps because it’s not quite what people expected. The story–centered on the Price- and Poe-obsessed, morbidly imaginative seven-year-old Vincent Malloy–has a fullness, and resonance, that belies the narrative’s six-minute runtime. The stop-motion animation ranks with any of of the director’s later feature-length efforts, and Vincent Price’s narration is pitch (black) perfect. This short film from early in Burton’s career is long on greatness.

vampira and tor johnson wax figure

Vampira and tor johnson wax figure full#

Charmingly cartoonish, Beetlejuice brims with mordant wit, and puts Burton’s fertile imagination on full display. No film, though, has ever made more inspired use of Harry Belafonte, Jr. The effects are now quite dated, and I’ve always found Michael Keaton’s performance more grating than entertaining. the list excludes works for which he was only a producer, most notably The Nightmare Before Christmas). In honor of the occasion, here is a countdown of Tim Burton’s top ten directorial efforts (i.e. Today is the 62nd birthday of the Macabre Republic”s preeminent filmmaker. Posted in Lore Report | Leave a reply Two-Sentence Horror Story Layered with dark detail, this 150th episode is itself a welcomed addition to the Lore archives. “Addition” is an apt title choice: it is a longer episode than recent offerings, and returns to furnish further bits of lore about a place Mahnke has visited previously on the podcast. The documented, real-life cruelties perpetrated by LaLaurie are nothing less than unsettling, but Mahnke also turns the screw further here by recounting reports of the woman’s posthumous assaults inside her restored mansion. LaLaurie no doubt is a familiar figure to fans of American Horror Story (the New-Orleans-set “Coven” season during which Kathy Bates portrayed LaLaurie is not referenced here, although one suspects that Mahnke had it in mind when discussing fictional embellishments of LaLaurie’s acts for horrific effect). The bulk of the episode, though, is devoted to the chilling tale of Madame Marie LaLaurie, a New Orleans socialite now notorious for her imprisonment and sadistic torture of her black slaves in the early 19th Century. Host Aaron Mahnke presents a wealth of macabre material, including the stories of Louis Congo (an ex-slave who rose to the position of public executioner) and of the old Orleans Theater and Ballroom (the site of various hauntings). The Crescent City is a quintessentially gothic American city, and thus forms a fitting subject for the latest episode of the Lore podcast, which takes as its theme the dark depths hidden beneath alluring surfaces.

vampira and tor johnson wax figure

But be careful, because history has made one truth abundantly clear: the more you dig, the more tragic things become. And few cities in America demonstrate that as perfectly as New Orleans. Even the places we call home can evolve over time, transformed by the people who live there.

Vampira and tor johnson wax figure